Saturday 25 January 2020

13. Tranmere Rovers

Whenever anyone mentions Tranmere I always fondly remember my great uncle Fleming McWibble who hailed from Birkenhead and therefore was a passionate supporter of Tranmere Rovers.  He had no time for the so-called 'bigger' teams over the water, Prenton Park was his home.

He used to say that the true scousers were from the Wirral side of the river, Birkenhead being a long-established town from back when it was just fields on the other side. 

He was a body-art enthusiast having the most intricate and complex tattoos covering most of his frame.  He used to exhibit at a travelling circus where people would gape in awe at the designs.  His fame eventually led to a young Morrissey paying him homage as the original 'tattooed boy from Birkenhead'.

It is for this reason alone that I hope Tranmere spank whatever team they happen to play this weekend.

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