Sunday 3 February 2019

2. Burnley

When I think of Burnley I always fondly remember my Great Uncle Cletus Wambles.
Born in Alabama, he crossed the pond on a tramp steamer and lived for a few years on the Stoops Estate. He was a proficient musician and brought great joy and entertainment to many, not only in Burnley but right up as far as Colne.
His banjo solos were incredible as an accident of birth had rendered him with seven fingers on each hand rather than what is more usual for the area, six.
Sadly he was caught using a cigarette lighter, offended by such devilry he was forced to move back to Hicksville Alabama by a baying mob wielding pitchforks and torches.
Nevertheless, his time in Burnley was a happy one and for that reason alone I hope they smash whatever team they are playing tomorrow.

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