Monday 30 September 2019

10. Arsenal

Whenever somebody mentions Arsenal I am moved to remember my great uncle Piers Wibble. 

He was a conceited bigot, he lied and cheated through life, had few friends and what he lacked in intelligence he more than made up for in mouth. He had no redeeming features whatsoever.

He lived on the Seven Sisters Road and was an Arsenal fan throughout his miserable life. His only pleasure was to dress up every weekend like he was on the Finance Department's Christmas Party, stand at Highbury and wave wads of £20 notes at opposition fans. 

His life ended predictably in a Gallows Dance, he went unmourned and his foetid carcass was disposed of in a sewer. 

He was however my great uncle and so for that reason alone I hope Arsenal spank whomever they happen to be playing today.